Monday, April 26, 2010

Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 23

Greetings Prayer Partners!


The Lord is working among new churches here in Arkansas. Below is a testimony from one of our church planters. I could not help but pass it on. Praise the Lord together with us and continue to pray for Bobby and the Cross Roads Baptist Church!


Cross Roads Baptist Church- God is working in BIG ways out in Pea Ridge Arkansas! We started this church February 7th and we already have between 25-30 regular members! God has saved souls, and changes lives. We already have one "preacher boy" who has fallen to the call of preaching and is studying under me. We have another young man recently saved and delivered from drugs and alcohol abuse who is talented in music and poetry and has written his first all Christ focused song and will be performing it this week! God is reuniting families, delivering people from addictions, and growing up strong witnesses for Him! We give God all the Glory for all the things He has done in our church and look forward to seeing how He will use us next.

Pastor Bobby Shockley



Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team

Arkansas Baptist State Convention

1-800-838-2272 ext 5159


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Church Testimony - God is Good!!!

Cross Roads Baptist Church- God is working in BIG ways out in Pea Ridge Arkansas! We started this church February 7th and we already have between 25-30 regular members! God has saved souls, and changes lives. We already have one "preacher boy" who has fallen to the call of preaching and is studying under me. We have an...other young man recently saved and delivered from drugs and alcohol abuse who is talented in music and poetry and has written his first all Christ focused song and will be performing it this week! God is reuniting families, delivering people from addictions, and growing up strong witnesses for Him! We give God all the Glory for all the things He has done in our church and look forward to seeing how He will use us next. Pastor Bobby Shockley

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Church Planting Essentials training

What do church planters look like during training?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 22

Greetings Prayer Partners!

Thank you for joining us in praying for new churches to be started all across Arkansas.

And thank you for praying last week for Robert and Kami Branscum of Life Church, a new church start in Searcy.
The Lord has answered our prayers.
Just today, Robert signed a very agreeable lease for a prime location in town. Praise the Lord!

We also want to Praise the Lord for the new Hmong work started this past Sunday in Nashville, AR with 43 Hmong in attendance.
Below is a picture of the commissioning service held at Ridgeway Baptist (the sponsoring church) in Nashville.

Please continue to keep both of these new congregations in your prayers.

God is Good !!!

Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
1-800-838-2272 ext 5159

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Hmong Church!

Ridgeway Baptist Church in Nashville, Arkansas along with the Little River Baptist Association has taken a giant leap of faith by sponsoring a new Hmong mission in Nashville. On Sunday, April 11, 2010 churches from across the Little River Baptist Association met at Ridgeway Baptist Church to hold a joint worship service with this new Hmong congregation. Ridgeway has agreed to sponsor this new work and several churches throughout the association have agreed to financially partner with Ridgeway Baptist Church in reaching the Hmong community for Christ.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 21

Greetings Prayer Partners!

Thank you for joining us in praying for new church starts all over the State of Arkansas!

This week we ask you to pray for Robert and Kami Branscum and the core group for Life Church in Searcy.

Please pray for Life Church as they are currently seeking a building/space for their new church.
Also pray for their upcoming outreaches to the community, May 1 and June 5, in partnership with Unity Baptist Church in Paragould.
Praise the Lord for churches like Judsonia First and Unity, as well as the Calvary Association, for their partnership with Life Church!

That all of Arkansas might know Him!

Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
1-800-838-2272 ext 5159