Greetings Prayer Partners!
This week we ask you to pray for our semi-annual church planter training – Church Planting Essentials.
Last, and this weekend, we have 11 church planting teams that are going through the training.
These teams represent new churches being started in Texarkana, Harrison, Walnut Ridge, Wynne, Jonesboro, Russellville, and elsewhere.
Pray for the facilitators this weekend that they will present clearly and effectively.
Pray for the teams, that the Lord would use this time to help clarify His vision and plan for the new churches.
Pray for the lost in each of these communities, that the Lord would draw them to Himself through the witness of these new works.
Thanks, as always, for joining together with these and other church planters through your prayers!
Tim Wicker
Church Planting Strategist
Missions Ministry Team
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
1-800-838-2272 ext 5159