Wednesday, August 17, 2011

RE: Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 46 CORRECTION



Correction – The church planter in the first request is Josh MARTIN – not Josh Hall




And thanks Dave for pointing out the mistake.




Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team

Arkansas Baptist State Convention

1-800-838-2272 ext 5159



From: Tim Wicker On Behalf Of Pray 4 Church Planting
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:02 PM
To: Tim Wicker; ''
Cc: 'Mike Prince'
Subject: Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 46


Greetings Prayer Partners!!!


We had a great meeting with several of our church planters this past Monday, and part of the time together was just spent in prayer. As we shared stories and prayer requests I mentioned that there were people all over the state willing to pray for them. Below is a brief list of some of the prayer needs they asked me to pass on to you all.


Josh Hall Martin is preparing to start a new church in Bono (just outside of Jonesboro). He asks for prayer for the Lord to raise up more folks for the core group, and that he would find balance between work, family, and the church plant.


Kirby Vardeman is starting a new work in Russellville. He asks for prayer for open hearts in the community. His core team is reaching out, but the community is resistant. Pray for the unchurched and dechurched in Russellville, and for Kirby and LifeStone Church.


Mitchell Moore is starting a new church in Little Rock. Mitchell asks for prayer for his core group and for wisdom as he shepherds his people and seeks to reach out to the community.


That’s enough for now. Please take a few minutes to lift these church plants up to the Lord.


Thank you as always for your partnership in the Gospel through your prayers!



Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team

Arkansas Baptist State Convention

1-800-838-2272 ext 5159



Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 46

Greetings Prayer Partners!!!


We had a great meeting with several of our church planters this past Monday, and part of the time together was just spent in prayer. As we shared stories and prayer requests I mentioned that there were people all over the state willing to pray for them. Below is a brief list of some of the prayer needs they asked me to pass on to you all.


Josh Hall is preparing to start a new church in Bono (just outside of Jonesboro). He asks for prayer for the Lord to raise up more folks for the core group, and that he would find balance between work, family, and the church plant.


Kirby Vardeman is starting a new work in Russellville. He asks for prayer for open hearts in the community. His core team is reaching out, but the community is resistant. Pray for the unchurched and dechurched in Russellville, and for Kirby and LifeStone Church.


Mitchell Moore is starting a new church in Little Rock. Mitchell asks for prayer for his core group and for wisdom as he shepherds his people and seeks to reach out to the community.


That’s enough for now. Please take a few minutes to lift these church plants up to the Lord.


Thank you as always for your partnership in the Gospel through your prayers!



Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team

Arkansas Baptist State Convention

1-800-838-2272 ext 5159



Friday, August 12, 2011

Arkansas Church Planting Prayer Network - 45

Greetings Prayer Partners!!!


I know that it has been awhile since our last prayer communication. For this, I apologize. The Lord recently reminded me of the fact that all of our efforts are in vain unless He is at work – and for this we need to pray – pray for the lost in our communities, our state, our nation, and our world – pray for our churches to reach out with the Love of Christ – pray for the many new churches He is starting across our great state.


Several of you have emailed and let me know that you have been continuing to pray, and it shows. The Lord is at work doing some amazing things.


As we restart our prayer efforts together, I would ask you to pray for Garage Church in Hot Springs. Church planter Mike Prince and the church will be featured in this year’s Dixie Jackson Missions Offering emphasis. We are getting weekly reports of lives being changed, and folks coming to Christ. Below are a couple of prayer requests that I just received from Mike.


1.  We need a place to meet.  This is not just a weekend need.  We need a place where we can do ministry throughout the week.  We would like to move our Anger Management classes and Budgeting classes to a building that is more in our control. We are not at all sure how much longer we will be able to teach these classes at the facility of another ministry.  (They are more than gracious, but have space needs of their own.)  At this time we have 31 students for Anger Management with new ones added weekly.

We feed about 50 meals a week to Bible Study students.  Many of these are chronically poor, and most have no transportation.  We don't have to have a commercial kitchen, just a warming station.  


2.  We need prayer partners.  Nothing happens of real significance until God's people pray.  We would love to have an email list of at least 200 prayer warriors who would commit to pray for The Garage Church and the specific needs we will regularly share via email.  This is our number one need.


3.  We need more faithful workers.  The actual core group of our church very small - about 12 people.  These 12 workers are actively ministering to over 150 people.  These 12 are the givers and the workers.  They do everything!  Many of these 12 folks are new believers and most work at fairly low paying jobs.  They all give faithfully.  They are in this journey with all their hearts.  May God increase the number of laborers in this field!  Please beg God for this!


Would you take a few moments just now to pray for Mike and Garage Church?

If you are interested in joining Mike’s prayer team – send him an email to – and he will sign you up.


Thanks for your patience and your willingness to partner together IN PRAYER for the sake of the Gospel!


Tim Wicker

Church Planting Strategist

Missions Ministry Team

Arkansas Baptist State Convention

1-800-838-2272 ext 5159